�For the next two days, close the slaughterhouse and collect all information about Cheolsan manor and their workshop.�
* * *
Pyo-wol left the slaughterhouse and strolled along the riverbank.
Lake Tai was not only connected to the Yangtze River, but also to other small streams. When combined with nameless small rivers and streams, there were dozens of branches extending like branches of a tree, interconnected.
The place where Pyo-wol was walking was one of these unnamed streams.
The scenery along the riverbank was so beautiful that not only Pyo-wol, but also many others were walking around, enjoying the view.
�Cheolsan manor.�
If Pyo-wol�s memory serves him right, then someone from Cheolsan manor was definitely the one who had hired the Hundred Wraith Union�s assassin to steal the vision and legacy of the Tang clan from Tang Sochu.
It was because of them why Tang Sochu had to move his workshop to Pyo-wol�s mansion, still living in seclusion.
Pyo-wol had promised Tang Sochu that he would solve this problem for him.
While Pyo-wol hadn�t come to Lake Tai knowing beforehand that Cheolsan manor was located here, now that he knew about the existence of Cheolsan manor and workshop, he couldn�t just ignore it and pass by.�
That was why he had hired the Hao clan to gather information about Cheolsan�s manor.
He needed to confirm whether or not someone from Cheolsan�s manor was responsible for commissioning the Hundred Wraith Union to harm Tang Sochu.
Waiting for two more days will make it certain.
It wouldn�t be too late to make a move by then.
Pyo-wol could hear people laughing around him.
As Pyo-wol looked around, he could see couples walking together, excitement evident on their faces. There were also scholars busy painting and writing beneath a large tree, and people who had their feet dipped in the river, laughing and talking around. Pyo-wol could also see children running and playing along the riverbank.
It was truly a peaceful scene.�
But the peace did not last long.
Suddenly, a woman�s piercing scream rang out.
�What was that?�
�What happened?�
People in the area rushed towards the source of the scream, alarmed by the sudden commotion.
A moment later, people began to chatter,
�It�s a corpse!�
�A body has been washed up!�
�Oh my god! It�s a dead body of a young girl!�
Pyo-wol walked to the place where the people had gathered.
The group of people had gathered by the riverside, where the reeds were in full bloom. JrNovels.com