The shopkeeper swallowed dryly as he watched the table broke into two pieces and collapse onto the floor.
For a moment, he felt a hunch that his fate would be the same as the table. Fortunately, however, Tang Ik-gi no longer had the intention to exercise violence against him.
�So, you�re tracking him now?�
�You�d better find him, or else, I�ll rip your head off first.�
�W-We�ll definitely find him, even if it means putting in a request to the Hao clan.�
�Damn it! Of all people, he had to be involved with that bastard��
Tang Ik-gi gritted his teeth.
What bothered him most of all was Pyo-wol.
The fact that Pyo-wol was involved in this incident made him uneasy.
The sudden downfall of the Sword Blossom Pavilion, which had boasted tremendous power in Lake Tai, was by no means an ordinary occurrence.
The shopkeeper�s lips quivered as he watched Tang Ik-gi tremble. He wanted to say something, but the words just wouldn�t come out.
Several things had disappeared from the warehouse where Do Yeonsan was previously confined. Among them were minerals brought in from outside the Central Plains.�
�Let�s just not say anything.�
If he spoke now, he might not be able to get out of this place alive, so he tightly sealed his lips.�
* * *
Do Yeonsan carefully lifted up the cloth which was covering an object.�
The moment he saw the object under the cloth, his eyes turned red and bloodshot.
He clamped his mouth shut.
The lifeless body, swollen and unrecognizable, submerged in water was undoubtedly his younger sister.�
Thick teardrops rolled down Do-yeon-san�s cheeks.
He thought all his tears had dried up, but there were still tears left to flow.
Do Yeonsan gently touched his sister�s face.
He couldn�t believe that his sister, who was more beatiful than a flower and brighter than the moon, was lying here as a cold corpse.�
If this was a nightmare, he wanted to wake up from it as soon as possible, but he knew all too well that this was not a dream.
�Who on earth did this?�
Do Yeonsan closely examined his sister�s lifeless body.
Just as Pyo-wol had said, there were clear signs of torture on his sister�s body.