Since the owner of the manor, Tang Cheolsan, was dead, they thought that Tang Ik-gi, as the only heir should be the one to lead the manor. However, he was still nowhere to be found.
It was only natural.
Do Yeonsan did not leave Tang Ik-gi�s body behind.
Not because Do Yeonsan didn�t want to, but because Tang Ik-gi�s body had been dissolved by the Luminous Blood Poison.�
Tang Ik-gi, who had turned into a handful of poisonous liquid, disappeared without a trace.
�Heuh! Heuh!�
Do Yeonsan exhaled bizarrely.�
He had gotten some sort of revenge, but it didn�t make him feel any better.
He hadn�t truly gotten his revenge yet.
The person responsible for all of his misfortune was still alive.�
�Zhao Yiguang!�
Do Yeonsan gritted his teeth.
Over the course of one night, Do Yeonsan�s appearance changed dramatically.�
Perhaps due to his exposure to the deadly poison, his hair had turned completely white, and madness gleamed in his eyes. His skin was also slowly turning red, but he didn�t care.
Clang! Clang!
He pounded the hammer frantically.
He realized it clearly when he kidnapped Tang Ik-gi.�
The hidden projectile he created was powerful.
He just needed a more sophisticated triggering mechanism to fire the Luminous Blood Poison efficiently.
Inspiration was flowing like crazy in his mind.
It was as if an invisible entity was injecting knowledge directly into his mind.
Sinister energy flowed out of Do Yeonsan�s body as he continuously pound his hammer. But, he himself has yet to realize this fact.�
All he had on his mind was his need for revenge.
Clang! Clang!
The sound of his hammering was similar to a musical instrument being played.�
Madness and sinister energy spread in a deep resonance.
Every time Do Yeonsan struck the hammer, ripples spread across the surface of Lake Tai.�
It was then.
The ripples that were spreading far and wide suddenly stopped by someone�s feet.
Someone was standing on the calm surface of the water.