The rain created countless ripples on the water�s surface.
Normally, there would have been fishing boats out early in the morning to catch fish, but not a single boat was in sight.
It was better to take the day off altogether, considering the possibility of the boat overturning by foolishly working on a day like this.
As a result, the taverns and pubs along the shore of Lake Tai were filled with people sharing the day. Since they can�t fish, they decided to drink to pass the time.
Thankfully, since Lake Tai�s First Pavilion, the inn where Pyo-wol was staying, was a bit expensive, it was relatively less crowded as compared to the shabby taverns that were bustling with people shouting in joy.�
Pyo-wol had his arms crossed as he stared out the window.
Because of the torrential rain, even the islands that were usually visible appeared obscured.
He had been standing in the said position since dawn.�
He hadn�t moved a single inch since then.�
It was because of the ominous feeling he had felt last night.
That strange sensation, as if a meteor was falling down, made Pyo-wol�s skin crawl.
Pyo-wol wasn�t the kind of person to be easily afraid or intimidated, yet the energy he had felt last night was foreign and ominous enough to disturb him.
He tried to find the source of the ominous feeling he had felt last night, but the torrential rain pouring down was interfering with his senses.
Pyo-wol sighed and uncrossed his arms.
It felt unnecessary to exhaust his mental energy any further.
Pyo-wol descended to the first-floor restaurant.
�You�ve come down.�
The inn servant greeted him with a happy face.
�Please bring me some food.�
�Sure! Just take a seat and wait, and I�ll bring it to you.�
Pyo-wol nodded and took a seat at an empty table.
As he appeared, many people stole glances at him.
The fact that Pyo-wol was staying at Lake Tai�s First Pavilion was already widely known. That�s why there were quite a few people who deliberately came to the said inn specifically to catch a glimpse of Pyo-wol�s face.
�That guy is the Reaper? He�s so handsome, though?�
�Don�t be deceived by his appearance. Rumor has it that those who are deceived by that face meet a miserable demise.�
�He�s really handsome. Look at the women, they�re completely enchanted.�
Indeed, there were many women in the inn, and they were all staring at Pyo-wol�s face with flushed expressions.