Merely having a large and splendid inn doesn�t guarantee recognition from people. In Jianghu, the most prestigious and historic inns or scenic spots that captivated people�s attention are those with compelling narratives.�
They possessed stories that match the historical context.
Lake Tai�s First Pavilion lacked such stories. However, as Pyo-wol stayed in the inn, a narrative was being created.
That�s why the inn owner welcomed Pyo-wol�s long stay at Lake Tai�s First Pavilion despite the frequent incidents and accidents.
The longer Pyo-wol stayed, the more Lake Tai�s First Pavilion�s reputation soared.�
In no time, the inn owner and servant swiftly removed the broken objects and replaced them with new ones.
There was a sense of peace in the room after all the commotion.
Rain was still pouring outside.
Countless raindrops collided with the surface, creating ripples. Pyo-wol silently watched the scene.
It was then.
Suddenly, Gwiya, which was wrapped around Pyo-wol�s forearm began to move. Gwiya was usually immobile in crowded places, so Pyo-wol couldn�t help but pay attention to the unusual occurrence.
Gwiya climbed out of his clothes by crawling up his body.�
When the little snake reached his neck, Gwiya poked its head through his collar.
Gwiya�s tiny, bright red tongue continuously flickered from its mouth.�
It was exhibiting a noticeably different behavior.
Gwiya was usually relaxed.
Even when it was gliding on his body, flicking its tongue, or catching its prey� Gwiya always did all of those at a relaxed pace.�
Pyo-wol had never seen it move with such agility before.
It seemed as though it was on alert, wary of something.�
Pyo-wol�s gaze shifted to where Gwiya was looking.
It was in the middle of Lake Tai.
Beyond the pouring rain, the surface of the water rippled.
The waters surged, crashing against the land like waves.�
If it were the ocean, it would make sense. However, this was a lake.
Although its size could be mistaken for that of the sea or ocean, the fact remained that it was a lake.
It was logically impossible for such large waves to occur in a lake unless it was artificially induced.
Pyo-wol stood up and stared at the waves.
In the middle of the waves, Pyo-wol saw a figure standing tall.
It was an elderly man whose age was indiscernible.