Although he had developed some sort of resistance to the poisonous mineral from handling it, Do Yeonsan could only hold out for so long.
�Hik! I� I can�t breathe��
All those who inhaled the poisonous mist gasped for air, and then collapsed.�
Witnessing such a scene, Zhao Yiguang and his men froze in place.
They had never seen such a deadly poison in their lives, let alone see someone directly exposed to it without any fear despite having no protective gear.��
Zhao Yiguang quickly covered his mouth with his sleeve and looked for an escape route. However, the entire area was already filled with thick poisonous fog. He couldn�t see a place where he could take refuge.�
�A-Are you suggesting we die together?�
�I have no desire to live any longer.�
�I, I�ll properly compensate you if you stop spreading the poison. How much do you want?! I�ll give you anything! So just stop the spread of poison!�
�Hehehe! How can I reverse the poison that has already spread? I don�t have the skill for that, and even if I did, I wouldn�t want to.�
Do Yeonsan�s gaze as he looked at Zhao Yiguang was empty.
His heart was already dead. He had persevered and lived until now solely driven by his desire for revenge.
�I made a mistake. I touched a poisonous flower.�1
For the first time in his life, Zhao Yiguang regretted his actions.�
He didn�t regret raping the girl, but he regretted choosing Do Yeonsan�s younger sister as his victim.�
With a madman like Do Yeonsan, it would have been better not to make any contact with him at all, but in the case it happens, it would have been better to kill him before any problems arose.�
�Damn it!�
Zhao Yiguang raised his internal energy to protect himself. Thanks to that, he remained relatively unharmed from the poison, but unfortunately, his subordinates� internal energy was not as strong.�
�H-Help me!�
His subordinates melted and died as the poison corroded their internal organs.
Witnessing the horrifying sight of blood dripping from their skin and their flesh melting away, Zhao Yiguang clenched his teeth.
He had no desire to help them, nor did he have the ability to do so.
He doesn�t care what happens to his subordinates, his survival comes first before anything else.�
�There must be a way to escape.�
Zhao Yiguang quickly looked around.
However, everywhere he looked, there were poisonous clouds everywhere.�