�Haa! As expected, my wife�s dumplings are the best. I�m full and warm. There�s nothing else better in the world.�
�Hmph! To be satisfied with just that. What use is a man with such small dreams?�
�Whatever! I�ll just continue following my wife around for the rest of my life, enjoying delicious food. After all, that�s what makes me the happiest.�
Dae Juhwa snorted, but her expression showed that she didn�t seem to mind.
Dae Juhwa, who had been looking at Deung Mochang for a while, soon shifted her gaze to Pyo-wol.
�By the way, where are you going without any companions?�
�Poyang Lake.�
�Ah! Poyang Lake? I know about it too. But why are you going there? Do you know anyone there?�
�Let�s just say I do.�
�But, aren�t you quite fearless?�
�What do you mean?�
�You�re out here, wandering alone, in the middle of these wild mountains. Aren�t you scared of the things that could be in these mountains?�
�Well, what could be here?�
�Who knows��
Dae Juhwa�s words trailed off strangely.
At that moment, Deung Mochang, who had been leaning against the rock, sat up straight.�
He carefully examined Pyo-wol�s face and said,
�Now that I look at you like this, you, sir, are really handsome. No girl would dare show off their beauty in front of you. How could you have such smooth and fair skin?�
�I agree! He looks incredibly handsome.�
�Hehe! Then he must also taste delicious, right?�
Deung Mochang licked his lips with his tongue.
Both Dae Juhwa and Deung Mochang�s eyes glowed red in the light.
Even with their sudden transformation, Pyo-wol showed no signs of being surprised at all.�
Dae Juhwa looked at Pyo-wol with a puzzled expression.�
�How strange.�
�What�s wrong, my dear?�
�He�s too carefree, isn�t he?�
�That�s right! What�s up with him?�
Deung Mochang also had a perplexed expression on his face.� JrNovels.com