Pyo-wol watched them for a moment as they hoisted a sack of salt onto their backs, before setting off.�
The scenery at the docks of Poyang Lake was very similar to that of Lake Tai.
The only difference was that the breeze at Poyang Lake was cooler than the breeze at Lake Tai, which was saltier due to its proximity to the sea.
Finding Southern Heaven Pavilion wasn�t too difficult. It was so large and magnificent that it could be recognized at a glance from a distance.
Due to its extensive scale, it also had an independent stable master. Pyo-wol left his horse with the stable master and entered the Southern Heaven Hall.
An inn servant quickly greeted Pyo-wol.
�Do you have any vacant rooms?�
�Yes, of course!�
�I�ll be staying for about three days, so give me a room.�
�The price needed to be paid in advance.�
Pyo-wol handed over a few more coins to the inn servant after hearing the amount he mentioned. As he received the coins, the inn servant smiled from ear to ear.
�Hehe! Please use the room at the end of the corridor on this floor of the annex. That room has the best view.�
�There�s an annex?�
�Yes! It was built not too long ago. It should be much quieter there than the main building here.�
�Thank you.�
�Oh, by the way, would you like to eat?�
�Yes. Bring me some simple snacks.�
�Then have a seat wherever you can find one. I�ll bring them to you shortly.�
Pyo-wol nodded and sat down in an empty seat.
The ride on the grain carrier had been nice, but he�d run out of food so he was extremely hungry at the moment.�
While waiting for the food to be served, Pyo-wol looked out the window.
Luckily, the food didn�t take long to arrive.
�This is cured pork seasoned with salt. It may be a bit salty when eaten alone, but it goes well with rice.�
�I�ll eat it.�
�Then enjoy your meal.�
The inn servant bowed his head respectfully before retreating.
Pyo-wol tasted the cured pork first.�
As the inn servant had said, it was a bit salty. However, when eaten with rice, the combination was quite good.