The inn servant bowed and then went back to the kitchen.
�Even though I�m already full, this looks great.�
Yeom Hee-soo looked at the sizzling beef and smiled.
She took a portion of the sizzling beef with her chopsticks, then proceeded to fill her bowl with a heaping portion and started eating.
She chewed with delight, filling her mouth with a mixture of beef and rice, completely disregarding the gazes of others.
Pyo-wol, on the other hand, ate his food as slowly as possible. The contrast between the two was striking.
When Yeom Hee-soo finished her bowl of rice, Pyo-wol�s bowl was still full.
Yeom Hee-soo asked Pyo-wol,
�Does the food taste bad?�
�No, it�s delicious.�
�Then why are you eating so slowly? You�ll lose your appetite if you eat slowly like that.�
�It doesn�t matter.�
Yeom Hee-soo made a strange snorting sound as she watched Pyo-wol eat.
Normally, she didn�t like people who ate their food slowly and in small portions like Pyo-wol.�
She considered it as bad luck.
The Huaying Fortress she currently belonged to was fundamentally a Nokrim faction. For them, indulging and savoring the taste of food was considered a luxury.
If she ate slowly like Pyo-wol, she would often get her food snatched away. That�s why Yeom Hee-soo had developed a habit of eating quickly since she was young.
Eating slowly like Pyo-wol would without doubt make her the target of hungry people.
�Good-looking people always look good no matter what they do.�
Yeom Hee-soo stared at Pyo-wol in a way that was almost overwhelming. Ordinary people would feel uncomfortable when someone stares at them so intently, but Pyo-wol didn�t show any signs of discomfort and continued to eat at a steady pace.