Chapter: 2006
Large trees formed a small forest, intentionally planted to provide shade.

Pyo-wol stood among the trees and gazed in the direction of the performance area.

Indeed, from this spot, he could clearly see not only the platform but also the entire landscape of the performance area. This is the place where he could conceal his own presence while making it easy for him to observe others� a suitable vantage point.

�What do you see here?�

He looked at the performance area from So Gyeoksan�s perspective.

The performers on stage, the musicians playing instruments, and even the singers�more than thirty individuals performing on the platform appeared before him like a fantastic scene conjured by his imagination.

So Gyeoksan was responsible for protecting them.

Therefore, he would not let the members of the troupe get involved in his own affairs if possible.

It was then.

The clouds dispersed, revealing the moon that had hidden itself.

The moonlight illuminated the world, revealing the scenery that had been concealed in darkness.

Pyo-wol scanned the world revealed under the moonlight.

It was at that moment that something caught his eye.

He could see the outlines of mountains beyond the plains.

The expanse of the surrounding basin in Poyang Lake was unbelievably vast. Yet, the fact that the outline was visible indicated that the mountain was of considerable size.

For some reason, Pyo-wol couldn�t take his eyes off the mountain.

Perhaps So Gyeoksan felt the same way.

�Could his destination be over there?�

It was a baseless speculation. But his hunches were rarely wrong.

Pyo-wol felt the need to investigate.

However, the distance was too great for him to reach there tonight.

Considering the width of the basin, it would take at least two days to reach that mountain. If he rode a horse, he could reduce the time by about half.

Just as Pyo-wol was about to quietly leave Xielao Manor, he suddenly felt an unfamiliar presence in the performance area.�

An old woman with a hunched back was entering the performance area. The old woman stood in the middle of the stage, staring blankly at the sky.

The old woman had an air of detachment about her. So Pyo-wol didn�t move from his spot and observed the old woman.

Suddenly, the old woman staggered and coughed.

�Cough! Cough!�

There was something unusual about the sound of his cough.

The old man stumbled heavily and then collapsed.

Since it would be life-threatening if her head hit the ground, Pyo-wol instinctively approached the old woman and held her in his arms.