Noh Tae-tae recognized at a glance that the young man in front of her was something out of the ordinary. Someone truly exceptional.�
It wasn�t just because he managed to sneak into the Xielao Manor undetected by her workers. There was a unique atmosphere and aura about him that others did not possess.�
Noh Tae-tae had never experienced such a chilling atmosphere in her life, and it sent shivers down her spine.
She had met countless people before, including many warriors famous in Jianghu, but none of them had the same unique aura and atmosphere as Pyo-wol.
Noh Tae-tae instinctively knew that Pyo-wol was stronger than any martial artist she had encountered.
�What is your name?�
�It�s you! The Reaper��
�Do you know me?�
�My son�s merchant group travels to Sichuan often. It was through them that I first heard of you. Honestly, when I first heard about it, I thought it was exaggerated. But as I learned more from the information that came afterwards, I came to know that the rumors about you are true��
Rumors about Pyo-wol had spread widely. However, even before that, Noh Tae-tae had been paying attention to Pyo-wol�s movements.
To run a large business in Jianghu, she believed that not even a single small rumor should be taken lightly. However, she never expected to see Pyo-wol in person like this.
The Pyo-wol she saw directly felt much more dangerous than what she had vaguely imagined.
She knew that people like him could unintentionally put Jianghu in danger.�
There were those who brought turmoil, even if they didn�t want it.
Tracing back through the history of Jianghu, there were many such warriors.
The Fist Demon of Mount Hua2 in the past was a prime example.
Although his legend was fading now, examining the records of that time made it clear how unreasonable of an existence he was.
People only remembered him as the one who ended the turmoil, but Noh Tae-tae believed that his presence made the turmoil even more intense.
Afterward, it was the founder of the Frenzied Warrior Clan who was like that.
He was the hero who ended the rebellion of the Celestial Demon Union, but because of his existence, the war escalated further.
Both of them had the common point of ending the war with their own hands, and therefore, were revered in the process. However, the fact that such heroes emerged was evidence of how intense the turmoil had become.
Noh Tae-tae felt a sensation similar to those heroes in Pyo-wol.
The heavens would never send out such unreasonable beings for no reason.
�Hoo� It looks like there�s going to be another war.�
Her sighs and lament scattered in the wind.
�Have a drink. My son only sends me the best tea.�
Noh Tae-tae said, pouring tea into Pyo-wol�s teacup.
The strong aroma of the tea tickled his nose.
Just by smelling it, he could feel his mind becoming clear.