�Those ten people who barged in at once and demanded a place to hide?�
�Oh! Those annoying bastards! Why?�
�There is someone looking for them.�
�What? Who is looking for them?�
�Some assholes have been asking about their whereabouts since this morning.�
�Damn it!�
Deung Chol-ung cursed.
A worried expression appeared on his face.
A while ago, ten armed men unexpectedly visited the Blood Ant Gang. They requested cooperation from Deung Chol-ung.
It was called cooperation, but it was more like a threat.
Although Deung Chol-ung was also a skilled martial artist, he didn�t dare to confront them. They exuded a dangerous aura. That�s why he cooperated with them. And a few days later, the Hao clan�s secret branch was annihilated.
It was only after the destruction of the Hao clan that he realized that it was the work of the people he had helped hide.�
No matter how much Deung Chol-ung boasted about being the ruler of Poyang Lake, he couldn�t compare to the true factions of the Jianghu. Let alone the fact that his opponent was the Hao clan.
If the Hao clan had decided to attack, the Blood Ant Gang would have been wiped out overnight. That�s why he carefully concealed the presence and existence of the visitors completely.
�Who are they? Who dares to look for them?�
�We don�t know yet.�
�Hurry up and find out their identities.�
�Mobilize all our subordinates.�
Namgung Wol glanced at Yeom Hee-soo�s tired face and tilted his head. In just one night, her face had become noticeably pale.
Her eyes were swollen, and her pupils seemed bloodshot, as if she hadn�t slept properly all night.
�What happened?�
�It�s nothing.�
�It doesn�t seem like nothing.�
�I just had a little trouble sleeping.�
Even with Yeom Hee-soo�s excuse, Namgung Wol didn�t believe her.
The Yeom Hee-soo he knew was someone who never lost her vitality under any circumstances. She had the same free-spirited aura that was characteristic of the Nokrim faction. To see her like this, completely drained of energy, was definitely not normal. However, unless she admitted it herself, it was difficult to press further.