Pyo-wol knocked on the door to the inn servant�s quarters.�
�Ugh! Who is it? At this early hour��
The inn servant came out rubbing his sleepy eyes.
It was still early in the morning.
The inn servants eyes were filled with resentment as he looked at Pyo-wol. Pyo-wol threw him a silver coin.
The inn servant�s face changed in an instant.
�Hehe! What can I do for you?�
�Tell me what you know about Mount Longhu.�
�Mount Longhu?�
�Anything, even the most trivial thing, will do. Tell me everything you know.�
The inn servant began frantically searching his memory.
If he didn�t provide any answer, he feared Pyo-wol would snatch the silver coin back.
He began to babble, regurgitating the scraps of conversation he�d picked up from guests.
Deung Chol-ung slammed his huge fist down on the table, causing it to split in two.
�M-My lord!�
Oh Shin-pyeong looked at Deung Chol-ung with an anxious expression.
�Say that again. What exactly happened?�
�They� they were all defeated.�
�Damn it! Is that really true?�
�Yes! Word is already out on the streets. They say not a single one survived� They all have died.�
�Such a damn�!�
Deung Chol-ung trembled with rage.
He had prepared to move immediately upon hearing news of the death of the leaders of the Imperial Yuan Merchant Group.
He had all his remaining subordinates ready with their weapons, but the only news he received was that the blood-cloaked men who were supposed to deliver the signal had been annihilated.