Chapter: 2072

An ordinary person might be overwhelmed about where to start, but Pyo-wol was different.

He first began by observing the surrounding environment.

No matter how dense the bushes and trees were in the area, there would certainly be signs and tracks if people passed through.

What Pyo-wol was looking for was just that.

The only difference was that he wasn�t looking for a human trail, but rather an animal trail.

In general, all mountain paths that humans use are initially created by animals.

Paths that are easy for animals to traverse are also convenient for humans. Thus, when human and animal paths overlap, animals are pushed out.

Animals tend to forge new paths to avoid humans, and those new paths are usually hidden from human sight. Paths used by humans, on the other hand, could easily be monitored by animals.

Their instinct of fearing humans helped animals in creating such optimal paths.�

It didn�t take long for Pyo-wol to find an animal path.

The small path was lined with wild boar and deer dung.

Pyo-wol touched the feces with his hand.

It was so dry that it instantly crumbled.

It meant that the feces had been there for a long time. The absence of fresh feces implied that animals hadn�t traversed this path for a while.

There was only one reason why animals would avoid traveling a familiar path. Their territory had been encroached upon by humans.

Pyo-wol started to follow the animal path uphill.

The path led deep into Mount Longhu.

At one point, Pyo-wol�s eyes sharpened.

�This is it!�

Before him, two paths intersected.

One was the animal path he was on, and the other was a fairly broad path. It was a path traversed by humans.

When the two paths overlapped, it was clear that the animals moved elsewhere to avoid humans.

Pyo-wol moved from the animal path to the newly discovered human path.

The path was overgrown with bushes that made it hard to believe it had ever been traveled by humans. At first glance, it might seem like an ordinary underbrush, but to Pyo-wol�s eyes, it vividly showed the signs of human passage.

He followed the trail.

The faint trail led deep into the depths of Mount Longhu. At some point, however, the trail disappeared like a lie.

It wasn�t as if the traces were interrupted due to geographical features like cliffs or waterfalls. The scenery before him was just a plain old terrain, yet the trail had completely disappeared.

Unless a person had grown wings, it was impossible to vanish without a trace.

If someone has passed by, there must be a trail.

The trail definitely existed, it was just that he hadn�t found it yet.