There was no difference in scenery between the inside of his room and the outside. The pitch-black darkness that covers his eyes and the humid air that irritates his skin remained.�
Pyo-wol came out of the iron gate and looked around. Outside the door was a large hallway.
On his left side were numerous rooms with doors all wide opened. Perhaps, all of the rooms had opened simultaneously. The hallway has no end in sight.�
Pyo-wol moved to the room adjacent to his room. He had to walk approximately twenty steps to reach the next room. Given the size of his room which was only about three square meters or around ten steps in each direction, there would be another ten steps left that would serve as a barrier in between the rooms.�
�So that�s why I couldn�t sense the presence of others.��
No matter how sensitive his senses were, it would not be able to overcome the thickness of the wall.�
Pyo-wol looked inside the room.�
An awful stench stirred his nose.�
It was the smell of rotting flesh.�
Someone�s body had been left decaying in the darkness. The foul odor indicated that the decomposition had already progressed considerably.
Pyo-wol went into the room and inspected the body, ignoring the foul smell. The deceased had its face collapsed, so he couldn�t tell in much detail, but judging from the built of the skeleton,� he could tell that it was a boy of the same age as him.�
Perhaps the boy was also imprisoned here at the same time as him. The situation in the other rooms was the same. In each room, either a boy or girl of a similar age as Pyo-wol was dead.
Unlike Pyo-wol, they could not endure hunger and died of starvation.
Their room was as humid as Pyo-wol�s room so it was full of moss. They probably did not seem to consider consuming the moss. Maybe they weren�t able to adjust well to the darkness like he did and hence failed to notice the moss growing around the room.�
A bowl of rotten food was placed in front of their own doors. Similarly with Pyo-wol�s case, the food was also rationed. But they must have been picky and left the food untouched.�
In the darkness, Pyo-wol�s eyes flashed red.
He continued to walk straight down the hallway.
Twenty rooms passed. And twenty bodies were also found. One corpse per one room.
Pyo-wol soon reached the end of the hallway. There was a large iron door blocking the hallway. The iron gate was much thicker and larger compared to the ones that blocked their rooms.�
The bolts of the gate were also taken out.
Pyo-wol pushed the door hard and the towering iron gate opened slowly.�
Beyond the iron gate, the same hallway where Pyo-wol had been imprisoned continued, and again, twenty iron gates were lined up in a row.
The only difference is that there was only one survivor in the area where Pyo-wol was, but in the new section, there were as many as two survivors here.
It was a boy and a girl who seemed to be of the same age.
They looked in the direction where Pyo-wol appeared with wary eyes. Judging by their actions, it seemed that their eyes were not perfectly adapted to the darkness like Pyo-wol.�
It was clear that they had noticed the appearance of a new character through the sound of Pyo-wol�s footsteps. Their pricked up ears were proof.
Pyo-wol only looked at them without saying a word.
Both the boy and girl were skinny, as if they had not eaten properly. But compared to Pyo-wol, they still seemed to be in better shape.
Pyo-wol glanced at the next room. A body was seen through the door. He could see a food bowl next to the body.
There�s no doubt that there was a sufficient amount of food. So it was either that he died because he could not stand the loneliness and died of madness, or he could not overcome the disease he had acquired underground.