There are only a few things that could be done in a place where there was no distinction between day and night.
Even if he fails, he can always try again.
There was no need to worry about unsuccessful attempts.
Pyo-wol�s body, which has adopted the snake�s habits and characteristics, was tougher and more flexible than any other martial arts masters, so he can easily handle any shock.
Just as he disassembled the Seventy-Two Sword Waves, Pyo-wol broke down the Snow Cloud Piercing Strike into pieces and reassembled it to suit himself.
In this way, the Snow Cloud Piercing Strike was recreated by Pyo-wol.
But Pyo-wol was still not satisfied with that level.
So he attempted to combine the Seventy-Two Sword Waves and the essence of Pyo Seol Cheonunjang into an entirely new method.
Naturally, his attempts were unsuccessful.
There were times when he would struggle with qi deviation, and there were times when his heart would burst due to the regurgitation of the internal organs.�
He had fallen into a moribund state and visited the threshold of death dozens of times.
And each time, Pyo-wol would go back and visit the snake pit.
He would regain his vitality and stamping by meditating among the snakes, and eating them.
Every time he would overcome the crisis of death, he would shed his skin. With each layer of skin removed, his body grew tougher and stronger.
Pyo-wol would constantly overcome death and become strong.
Now the bat stopped flapping its wings. It sat quietly on Pyo-wol�s palm and waited.�
Pyo-wol had no intention of killing the bat.
This was because bats were the evidence that a passage to the outside had been opened.
This was the first time Pyo-wol had seen a bat in an underground cave. If the bat had really managed to come in from the outside, there must be a passage.
He was thinking about going out now.
Because he realized that further training was meaningless.
Pyo-wol didn�t know exactly how much time he spent.�
However, he was confident that he would not be easily pushed back if faces the other martial artists of Jianghu.��
Pyo-wol took a step forward.
Passing through the corridors where the instructor�s live, he headed into a huge underground cave.�
The buildings, which had been built in the underground cavity, could not withstand the passage of time and collapsed, leaving only ruins.
Pyo-wol searched through the ruins.
Moments later, a torn garment was in his hand.