�You keep a good eye on Ranju. If anything happens, report it immediately.�
�Why do I have to be with this girl��
�It�s an order.�
Oh Yuk-pyo replied with a look of not being able to do anything. Heo Ranju raised a brow and looked at Jang Muryang.
�Can�t I rather move together with Hyulseung?�
�Hyulseung has to do something else. Don�t complain too much, and move with Oh Yuk-pyo.�
�Shit! Okay.�
It was impossible for the members of the Black Cloud Corps to disobey Jang Muryang�s orders.No matter how selfish she was, Heo Ranju could not disobey Jang Muryang�s public order.
Jang Muryang, who gave each one a task, smiled and said,
�Nothing happened while you�re on the way here, right? Has anyone seen any unusual trends or people who could be a variable?�
�I don�t know about the variables, but I�ve seen an unusual guy.�
�Who is that?�
At the words of Daoshi Goh, Jang Muryang showed curiosity.
�There was a man named Pyo-wol who looked even prettier than Ranju.�
�Ho! Was there such a person?�
�He�s a guy who didn�t fall for the seduction of Ranju.�
�Hong! What do you mean? I was deliberately being less seductive.�
Heo Ranju intervened in the middle, but Daoshi Goh ignored it and continued,
�Anyway, he had a very striking appearance, and his martial arts look pretty strong.�
�Have you ever seen him perform martial arts?�
�Not really, but there was no change in his expression when he saw Hyulseung in action. Seeing Hyulseung run wild on a rural place, anyone would turn their heads away but he looked at him insensitively as if he was looking at a stone rolling on the floor. If he�s not a martial artist, then he�ll never have those kinds of eyes.�
�Hmm! Have you figured out his background?�
�No! Ranju stuck to him like glue and flirted with him, but she still couldn�t figure out anything.�
�He seems hard to crack. Ranju�s temperament might be dogshit, but with her looks alone, anyone can be tempted.�
�Hey! What do you mean by dogshit?�
Heo Ranju protested, but Jang Muryang and Daoshi Goh ignored her and continued their conversation. JrNovels.com