Chapter: 271
Pyo-wol took the leather belt and examined it. On the outside, it was just a simple belt, but looking inside, there�s a bag with dozens of throwing knives stored in it.

Pyo-wol took out throwing knives and examined them closely.

The sharpened blade was perfect for both balance and strength. A small ring was attached to the end of the handle of the throwing knife, so that something like a string could be connected.

It was such an excellent item that Pyo-wol immediately understood what Tang Sochu�s words meant when he said that the dagger he bought in Bunta was garbage.�

�Did you make it yourself?�

�Who else would make them? Of course, I made them all myself.�

�You must have had a hard time.�

�Hard? It was only hard because I didn�t have the time to make it secretly, but the process of making it myself wasn�t hard at all.�

There was a sense of pride in Tang Sochu�s voice.

�Is it really okay for you to give me something like this?�

�You�re going to take revenge on the Qingcheng and Emei sect, right?�


�The reason the Tang family collapsed was because of them, of course, it doesn�t mean that the Tang family was good. In any case, it is wrong to stand on the side of the demon sect and betray Jianghu. However, I cannot forgive the fact that they pressured the Tang family in every way and caused them to fall apart.�

Tang Sochu inherited the Tang family�s spirit and resentment.�

�So, you want revenge with this weapon?�

�If my weapons can taste their blood, then it�s enough.�

�It�s not a difficult request, but how can you believe in me and give me such a piece of equipment? This can make me a lot of money if I sell it in the market.�

�Money is not important to me.�

His voice was full of resentment.

Just because he inherited the Tang surname, the hardships he suffered were indescribable.

The Fire Dragon Room didn�t fully come into his side either. It was unavoidable because of the pressures of the sects.

The Fire Dragon Room was extremely afraid of the rebirth of the Tang family. So, they are trying to keep a close watch on Tang Sochu, who has inherited the Tang surname.

If he was a disciple, they would have allowed him to hold a hammer, but because he was just an apprentice, they didn�t pass on their skills.�

Because of that, Tang Sochu learned secretly at night, and today this incident happened.

�Everyone told me to endure. You�re the first one to tell me not to.�

�I didn�t know your circumstances, but your eyes must have impressed me quite a bit.�

�Sometimes a dog whistle is sweeter than a cowardice.� (�?? ?? ???? ?????? ? ??? ????.�)

�Okay, I will use this.�

Pyo-wol loosened the existing belt and wore the leather belt made by Tang Sochu on his waist. It was so luxurious that no one would even think that there were weapons in it.

Pyo-wol moved his hand and picked up the stored throwing knife.�