�True, what do you know? But from now on, you must use all the information networks of the Hundred Flower Room to find out the truth. Do you understand?�
�Of course.�
Jeonghwa smiled softly and stroked Seolha�s hair. Seolha felt a little guilty.
But the feeling soon dissipated.
* * *
Pyo-wol returned to Chengdu.
The iron sword and clothes he used to assassinate Nam Hosan were disposed of on the way.
When Pyo-wol was looking around to go a guest house, suddenly,�
�Wait, who is that? Isn�t that your handsome oraboni?�
Suddenly a familiar voice was heard.
When Pyo-wol turned his head to look, Heo Ranju was approaching with quick steps. Heo Ranju was smiling at the fact that she met Pyo-wol by chance.
�Daoshi Goh said that he met you at Jintang County. When did you come back?�
�Just now.�
Heo Ranju glanced up and down Pyo-wol with narrowed eyes.
�Why are you looking at me like that?�
�Were you with another woman in Jintang County? If you did, tell me honestly. My heart is wide enough that I don�t get jealous.�
�If you�re just going to say nonsense, then shut up..�
At Pyo-wol�s cold words, Heo Ranju had a wounded expression on her face.
�Hyuk! You�re the first man to say this to me, my heart���
Pyo-wol walked past Heo Ranju, who pretended to grab her chest. Then, Heo Ranju hurriedly followed Pyo-yol.
�Really! You�re so rude� You�re leaving just like that?�
�Then why did you go to Jintang County? Did something happen?�
Heo Ranju was really curious.
Daoshi Goh said he had assigned Maun as a watchdog to Pyo-wol. However, when Maun went to Jintang County, Pyo-wol had already disappeared. Because of that, Maun returned in vain without seeing Pyo-wol�s back.
However, while Pyo-wol was staying in Jintang County, Nam Hosan was assassinated.
To most people, it was rumored that the incident happened because of the Qingcheng sect, but Heo Ranju and Jang Muryang did not believe the rumors.
If there was even the slightest doubt, they had to dig into it tenaciously.
Heo Ranju did not believe that Pyo-wol was the assassin that killed Nam Hosan, but she doubted whether he was involved in the series of events. JrNovels.com