At that moment, Pyo-wol suddenly appeared in front of him.
Heo Ranju let out a shout� and tried to wield the whip she was wearing on her waist. Whatever the circumstances, she couldn�t just watch her colleague Oh Yuk-pyo suffer.
She knew just how strong Pyo-wol was because she had fought him herself.
The ruthlessness that hides behind his handsome face.
However, before Heo Ranju could unleash her whip, the desperate screams of the Oh Yuk-pyo rang out.
Chopsticks were deeply embedded in his right eye.
Oh Yuk-pyo, who lost one of his eyes in an instant, roared like a beast and struggled.
Bang! Baang!
The objects in the guest house were shattered by his struggle, and the guests ran out screaming.
�Too late.�
Heo Ranju gave a disappointed expression.Even with her eyes wide open, she couldn�t see how Pyo-wol had moved from the table and appeared in front of the Oh Yuk-pyo in an instant.
Space constraints seemed to be of no obstacle to him. So it felt even more terrifying.
�AHHH! I�ll kill you, you bastard!�
Oh Yuk-pyo was going crazy.�
Everyone was afraid of him, but Pyo-wol was still looking at him with no change in his expression.
The fists of Oh Yuk-pyo contained a mighty power, but if it was not right, he could not exert any power.
The fists of Oh Yuk-pyo were dodged by Pyo-wol by a short distance. Pyo-wol moved his body at a minimum to avoid Oh Yuk-pyo�s fist.
Heo Ranju felt goosebumps rising as she saw the fists of Oh Yuk-pyo being dodged by a distance of only a single sheet of paper.
Pyo-wol was thoroughly fooling around with Oh Yuk-pyo.�
His movements were like a snake. A large snake that slips through even the slightest gap.�
It was then that Heo Ranju realized that it was no coincidence that she was suppressed by Pyo-Wol in an instant.
Pyo-wol�s strength was real. Behind his handsome face was an unimaginable cruelty.
Heo Ranju was� proud that she had gone through everything ever since she was a child, but Pyo-wol�s cruelty still made her feel fear.�