�Any clue, no matter how small, is fine. That�s how desperate we are.�
Oh San-kyung was worried at Cheong-yeob�s words.
�It is unknown whether it was related to the death of Nam Hosan but a strange man has recently entered Chengdu.
�I haven�t seen him in person, but it was said that he�s handsome enough to attract people. Women who have seen him even once seem to be possessed as if they won�t be able to snap back to their senses.�
�If it�s just that��
�But he�s strong. Just before entering Chengdu, he had a conflict with the head of the Gujin Pyo-guk, and he turned all of them half-blind. One of them was even made completely blind.�
�His hands were said to be cruel beyond words. Sir Oh Won-ho, a well-known expert in Sichuan Province, also said that the guy broke his arm.��
�How come we weren�t made aware of such a cruel man?�
�Because he had recently entered Chengdu. And��
�There�s more?�
�There is a record of him fighting and subduing Heo Ranju, the vice captain of the Black Cloud Corps in Chengdu. I heard that she was defeated instantly.��
Cheong-yeob�s expression hardened.
He knew that the Black Cloud Corps was a strong group of mercenaries. They had recently come to do business with the Qingcheng sect. Although the deal fell off, it was still a disappointing negotiation.�
The power of the Black Cloud Corps could never be taken lightly.
If someone was the vice captain of such a group, they would have a fairly strong martial art, but if they were suppressed immediately, it was clear that the opponent�s martial arts were really great.
�You mean he has something to do with the death of the young master of Thunder Clan?�
�I don�t know if he�s connected, but he�s definitely the most notable person who has recently entered Chengdu. He�s also the one who checks all the conditions Cheong-yeob asked me about.�
�What is his name?�
�They say it�s a Pyo�wol.�
�Yes. We don�t know more than that. We�ll investigate further if you wish.�
�No. From now on, we will be the one to take care of it.�
Cheong-yeob got up from his seat. It seemed that there was no information that could be obtained from the Hao clan if he stayed any longer.
Cheong-yeob pulled out a pouch full of money from his arms and laid it down on the table.
�Thank you, sir Cheong-yeob! If you need any help, you can come to me anytime.�
�Oh! Before we leave, let me ask you one thing. Have you ever visited the Emei sect?�
�I haven�t been to the Emei sect yet. Maybe in the future.� JrNovels.com