Because there was someone who suddenly came to her mind.
�But he�s dead� No! Wait, what if he was alive?�
In an instant, goosebumps spread all over her body. She had just made one assumption, but all the incidents started to fit together like cogs.
Above all, her sixth sense was telling her that her assumption was correct.
�More than anything else, there is no other assassin who has a deep grudge against both the Emei sect and the Qingcheng sect.�
In an instant, his face came to her mind. It was a distant memory, but his face was still vivid in her mind. Her memories of him were so strong.
�We don�t have time to be like this right now. If we let him run like this, things will get worse and worse.�
�Before that, there is something I want to ask the Young Miss Seol-ran.�
Jang Muryang�s voice lowered. His eyes were shining brighter than ever.
�Why is he doing this? Don�t we need to know the reason to know how to deal with him?�
�I can�t tell you that.�
�Young Miss Seol-ran!�
�I�m sorry.�
Yong Seol-ran cut off the conversation.
Seven years ago, the incident was caused by the Emei sect�s sect leader. A tragedy caused by the greed of Guhwasata.�
So, Yong Seol-ran couldn�t share the backstory with others.
�I�m sorry. I want to tell you, but I can�t. It�s not something I can decide on my own. Sir Jang Muryang must be frustrated, but I hope you will be patient until our Master has come to a decision.�
Jang Muryang took a step back.
He realized that if he pressures Yong Seol-ran for answers any more than this, he would only get her antipathy.
Yong Seol-ran closed her eyes.
�He�s back��
She also found out for the first time today that his name was Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol used to make fun of the Qingcheng sect and the Emei sect even when he was an assassin. He risked his own life to bring the two forces into an underground cave, eventually causing them to clash.
He was already scary back then, but she was afraid to even imagine how scary he must have become now, seven years later.
* * *
The atmosphere of Chengdu became ferocious.
The fight between the Qingcheng sect and the Emei sect had exacerbated the public sentiment.�
People were terrified. The streets were completely deserted, and people hid in their homes. People instinctively knew that something bigger was going to happen.