Chapter: 404
Even though all the soldiers and apprentices of the shop had died, there was no sympathy on the face of Tang Sochu.

If a stranger dies, he will not look like this. To him, the people here were only objects of hatred. Their deaths did not shake Tang Sochu.

Tang Sochu asked Pyo-wol.

�Are you okay?�


�I�m glad for their demise, but the Fire Dragon Room won�t be idle.�

�I guess you haven�t heard the news yet.�

�What news?�

�The catastrophe of the Qingcheng sect and the Emei sect.�


Tang Sochu�s eyes gleamed with anticipation. Everyone in their shop was nervous about it.

Pyo-wol nodded his head.

�I caused all of that.�

�Ha ha ha!�

Tang Sochu burst out laughing. Because he remembered the first time he met Pyo-wol.

Pyo-wol said that he would fight against the Qingcheng sect and the Emei sect. At the time, he honestly didn�t believe it. Because the story was completely unrealistic. But now there was no reason not to believe it. Because the circumstantial evidence is so clear.

Tang Sochu asked.

�You need my help, right?�

�A lot.�

�What can I help you with?�

Tang Sochu�s face was bright with madness.

* * *


A large table was shattered.

The Abbess of Nine Calamities, who could not hold back her anger, struck the table with her fist. Even though the fragments of the shattered table were completely scattered, the Emei�s masters still did not blink an eye.

It was because they were as angry as Guhwasata. There was a letter in the hands of the Guhwasata. The letter arrived this morning using a carrier pigeon.

Inside the letter, Jeonghwa�s death and the circumstances in Chengdu were written in detail.

Jeonghwa�s death made Guhwasata explode in anger.�

�What kind of child is Jeonghwa� to kill that child.�

Jeonghwa was an Emei sect�s great disciple.