It was a signal from the Black Cloud Troops who were on standby. Jang Muryang whistled once again.
Then, the sound of hoofs shaking the earth reverberated in the night sky. Two hundred horses were moving in unison.
�Bastard! There is no more place for you to escape. Give up!�
Jang Muryang shouted loudly and swung his spear. Then the fierce spear arose and shot at Pyo-wol.
In an instant, Pyo-wol�s body moved.
He dodged the long-range attack without looking back as if he had an eye on the back of his head. But his crisis was not over.
His eyes, which pierced through the darkness, saw the horsemen galloping with terrifying momentum. Two hundred horsemen made up of warriors. They were the true strength of the Black Cloud Corps.
Their martial arts may lag a little behind the other members, but their true power is revealed when they gallop on horseback.
When two hundred or so horses raced as if they were one body, any master from Jianghu had no choice but to shiver.
The horsemen all pulled out their spears and aimed at the front. A long spear was the weapon suited the horsemen the most. It was the same reason that Jang Muryang�s weapon was also a spear.
It wasn�t as visible because it was night, but a cloud of dust rose up from behind the two hundred people.
They only have one goal.
Two hundred horses started running to kill Pyo-wol. No matter how great he was, a person would� be helpless in front of two hundred horsemen.
Jang Muryang naturally thought that Pyo-wol would choose to run away. However, as if to ridicule his prediction, Pyo-wol instead rushed towards the horsemen.
�You said that you can�t die. Trample him and kill him!�
Jang Muryang�s voice resounded in the night sky. As if in response to his words, the horsemen accelerated further.
The spears were pointed at the front. Then the cavalrymen threw their spears at Pyo-wol using their internal energy. Even in the dark, their spears flew straight towards Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol flew towards the flying spear. It looked like he was about to commit suicide.
Although Jang Muryang cursed, he did not let down his guard. This is because Pyo-wol has always far exceeded expectations.
It was the same this time too.
Just before being hit by dozens of spears, Pyo-wol disappeared from their sight. The place where Pyo-wol reappeared was above the head of the leading cavalryman. He quickly shortened the space and moved using Black Lightning.