It was then that Fo Sanhae realized why so many sects in Jianghu were afraid of prestigious sects such as the Emei.
Every time he collided with the staff, he felt a shock as if he was being hit directly with an iron rod.
In the end, Fo Sanhae could not withstand the shock and vomited blood.
The staff of the Guhwasata fell on the head of Fo Sanhae, who had lost his strength and knelt down. It was clear that Foshanhae�s head would be shattered if he was hit directly by the staff.
There�s a dark expression on Fo Sanhae�s face.
With an angry voice, someone rushed forward. Using his sword, he stopped the staff from striking Fo Sanhae.
With the intense strike, Guhwasata was thrown backwards.
A strong sense of vigilance flashed in the eyes of Guhwasata, who took a dozen steps back to regain her balance. The attack was loaded with incredible strength.
It was so strong that even a rock the size of a house could be pounded into powder. The man who suddenly intervened and received Guhwasata�s attack without much shock.
Guhwasata has no choice but to back off.
Having that kind of force was rare in Sichuan.
�Mu� Jeong-jin.�
One of the few people who possessed that kind of force was Mu Jeong-jin, who is currently blocking the front of the Fo Sanhae.
The eyes of the ferocious Guhwasata changed even more terribly.
After Go Yeopjin, the former elder, the strongest master produced by the Qingcheng sect was Mu Jeong-jin.
No matter how much Guhwasata was said to be the sect leader of the Emei sect, she could not dare to downplay the prowess of Mu Jeong-jin.
�It�s been a while, Mu Jeong-jin!�
�It�s so nice to see you like this, Guhwasata.�
�Is that right? I�m not happy at all.�
�I�ve been waiting to see you for seven years. So how can I not be happy?�
There was a chill in the voice of Mu Jeong-jin, who responded coldly.
His eyes were full of hostility as he looked at the situation.
Woo Gunsang, the future of the Qingcheng sect was killed by an assassin who was ordered by Guhwasata.
Mu Jeong-jin, who loved Woo Gunsang more than anyone else, suffered from a profound sense of loss. The sense of loss turned to anger, and anger turned to the Guhwasata, the culprit of all these situations.