�You were completely immersed in your work that I didn�t dare interrupt.�
�Thank you! Thanks to you, I was able to complete this guy without interruption.�
�It looks like you got an order.�
�That�s right! There�s been a rumor in Chengdu lately that my skills are good. So orders have increased a lot.�
�That�s a relief.�
�If it wasn�t for you, brother, this wouldn�t have happened.�
As he called Pyo-wol his older brother, Tang Sochu had an embarrassed expression. Because the title was still awkward.
It was thanks to Pyo-wol�s support that he was able to establish a workshop here. Most of the gold coins that Pyo-wol had were given to him. So he was able to take over the workshop and hold out until an order came in.
For Tang Sochu, Pyo-wol was his real benefactor.
He took revenge on the Qingcheng and Emei sect, and helped him lead a stable life by setting up a workshop. For Tang Sochu, it was a debt that he would not be able to repay even for the rest of his life.
It was a Tang Sochu who was trampled on by many people just because he was using the surname of the Tang clan. Only one person did him a favor. So he felt even more grateful.
�But what�s going on? Has the ghost dagger been ruined again?�
�No. I have something I want to order separately.�
�What do you want me to make?�
�I need wrist armor.�
In the fight against the Guhwasata and Mu Jeong-jin, Pyo-wol felt the need to protect his arms.
As an assassin, Pyo-wol mainly engaged in close combat.
He used the ghost dagger as his main weapon, but he had to be prepared for a close fight.
It was a good idea to use a weapon other than the ghost dagger. So after much deliberation, Pyo-wol came to the conclusion that he should wear a gauntlet to protect his arms.
If he can block the opponent�s attack even just once using the armor, he will be able to create an opportunity for a counterattack.
After hearing Pyo-wol�s explanation, Tang Sochu nodded his head.
�Then I�ll have to make it so that the fingers can move freely from the back of the hand to the forearm.�
�That�s right.�
�It would be better if the material is leather on top of the metal. That way it won�t attract attention.�
It seems that Tang Sochu has already figured out how to make the wrist armor.
�How long will it take to complete?�
�Hmm� I think it�ll take at least five days. I think I�ll have to put several light iron plates on it, but I think it�s going to take a lot of effort to secure the proper strength. Please hold out your arm for a while.�
When Pyo-wol reached out his arm, Tang Sochu carefully checked the arm�s circumference, length, and shape.
�Okay now. Come back in five days. I�ll make it by then.� JrNovels.com