Chapter: 52
He slowed down a bit.

Unlike the other children, he adapted perfectly to the dark. The assassins� hiding was of no use to him, who could see the night as day like an owl.

If he wanted to, he could reach his destination in the shortest time by using the only infiltration route where the assassins were not hiding, but Pyo-wol did not.

He deliberately passed near where the assassin was hiding.

As if waiting, the custodian attacked him.



Pyo-wol bent over like a shrimp after being hit in the back by the surprise attack by the custodian.

The chilly voice of the surprised bridgehead poured down the back of his head.

�If you move poorly like what you did just now, you won�t survive until the end. Hurry up and run.�

�Ugh! Yes!�

Pyo-wol struggled to endure the pain and ran again.

The custodian looked at Pyo-wol�s back with a contemptuous gaze and then hid again.

First and Two Swords watched the training of such children from the highest point of the fortress.

Most of the children were beaten by the custodians, but some were not.

Instead of running blindly like other children, they ran away from where the bridgeheads might be hiding.

The sword opened his mouth.

�As expected, So Yeowol is the best.�

�Her intelligence is outstanding. Judgment, courage, and execution are all top-notch.�

First Sword nodded at the supplementary explanation of the other sword.

So Yeowol was the person who stood out the most so far. She overcame the physical disadvantage of being a woman and arrived at her destination at the fastest speed.

So Yeowol was never attacked by the custodians.

Following her, Song Cheonwoo and several children arrived.

They, too, were commended.

�What about the Pyo-wol?�

�He�s mediocre. Right now, he�s not particularly prominent.�

�Hmm� Was I mistaken?�

A light of disappointment passed through the sword�s eyes.

He had high expectations because Pyo-wol was the only survivor in the area, but he was disappointed that Pyo-wol couldn�t stand out in the first training.

But he didn�t completely let go of his regrets.