Still, those who had better pockets went into the brothel exhilaratingly, while those who were timid had to bargain with the receptionist in front of the brothel.
The red light district heated up the desires of men and the seduction of prostitutes. However, as soon as Pyo-wol appeared on the street, the heated air quickly cooled.
�What? That guy��
�Ah! Oh my��
The prostitutes who propped their upper body out of the window, looked at Pyo-wol�s inhuman appearance, deeply mesmerized.
�What? Where are you looking? These bitches��
�Fuck! That�s dirty��
The men who suddenly lost the attention of the prostitutes to Pyo-wol burst out in anger. However, they could not do anything against Pyo-wol.
They knew it too.
How deadly that beautiful man was.
In Chengdu, the existence of Pyo-wol was associated with fear itself.
Pyo-wol entered Water Lily Pavilion1, the largest brothel in the red light district.
When Pyo-wol came in, the entire Water Lily Pavilion was in an uproar.�
Most of the courtesans were fighting to enter Pyo-wol�s room, while the general secretary was sweating profusely.
Others were sweating in a different way.
It was the Water Lily Pavilion�s Luju.�
�Why did he come here? He probably didn�t come here knowing that this is the Hao clan�s base, right?�
There were only a few who knew that the Water Lily Pavilion was one of the Hao-clan�s bases.
In particular, only a few people in Chengdu knew about it. For the safety of prostitutes, the only one who knew the truth about base made sure to keep quiet about it.
Luju thought Pyo-wol�s appearance was just a coincidence and called a courtesan named Cho Hyang.
Cho Hyang was the most popular prostitute in the Water Lily Pavilion these days. Not only is she beautiful in appearance, she is also full of aegyo, and if she had a drink at least once, hundreds of men would fall for her.
She was also proficient in the Four Arts2 and was worthy of being called the best courtesan in the Water Lily Pavilion.
Cho Hyang bowed her head towards Luju.
�You called for me, Luju?�
�Did you hear that a man named Pyo-wol has arrived?�
�Because of him, the whole Water Lily Pavilion was buzzing. Everyone is busy talking about him.�
�You should take care of the man.�
�Me? But I have a reservation for another guest tonight.�
�Hand over that reservation to another child. You should focus on Pyo-wol. Find out at least one more thing about him, anything about his purpose, future course of action, inner intentions or others. That�s what you have to do today.�