�Yes. They�ve been drinking a lot, so I�m sure they�re going to get drunk soon. Then, when Cho Hyang uses the Art of Seduction, he�ll tell her everything he knows.�
The Art of Seduction is a technique passed down to the Hao clan, and it coincides with unmarried wine. If there is something else, it is that it attracts opponents by maximizing the beauty and coquettishness of the user.
Cho Hyang was particularly good at the art of seduction. After listening to the explanation, Yushin Hong nodded.
�Okay! I�ll be waiting here, so if there�s anything wrong, report it right away.�
The brothel keeper bowed her head deeply and backed away.
Hong Yushin, who was left alone, tapped the table with his finger.
�Why did he come here? Did he really come here by accident, not knowing that this place is the Hao clan base?�
A confused expression appeared on Hong Yushin�s face.
He waited for the brothel keeper to return with good news. However, even after waiting for one hour and two more hours, the brothel keeper did not return.
Eventually, he stayed up all night and greeted the morning. The brothel keeper went to his room with a blank expression on her face.
�What about him?�
�I�m sorry.�
�How did it go?�
�The incense didn�t come out.�
�Did you get hurt?�
�No. That�s not it.�
The brothel keeper�s face flushed. Her face was full of embarrassment.
This is because Cho Hyang and her partner did not stop their overnight activities in the Plum Room.
When she sent her to seduce the man, she fell for him instead and struggled with pleasure all night long.
When she asked Cho Hyang, who had been exhausted, if she had found out anything, she just shook her head helplessly.
And she just repeated these words.
�He�s not human. Humans��
Cho Hyang went back to her residence and fell asleep. She was exhausted because she had been tormented greatly by Pyo-wol.
He was exhausted from how much he had been tormented by Pyo-wol.