�Don�t listen with your ears, but listen with your heart.�1
It has been an old saying in the Taoist that when you hear, you should not listen with your ears, but listen with your heart.
Go Yeopjin blamed himself for moving only after hearing the complaints of the Qingcheng warriors. He should have looked at the situation with his heart and with a broader mindset.
In the end, all of this happened because the Qingcheng sect did not maintain the purity of the Dao.
Because he didn�t listen with his heart, but with his ears, he heard nonsense that was not the truth.
�Hoo! I�m embarrassed. I showed my ugly side.�
�The reason why the Qingcheng sect became like this is also the will of Heaven, so please forgive me for trying to blame you. But I�m also a human being, so I can�t help but feel resentment against you. But just give me this one thing. Please refrain from killing for no reason in the future. Then the Qingcheng sect won�t stand in your way.�
�I can�t make such a promise.�
�The Qingcheng sect and I have conceded this much, and yet you�re saying you can�t make such a promise?�
�There is a reason for a person to kill another person, but I have seen many people who kill people without any reason at all. The place where I have lived in Jianghu, is not a place like the Qingcheng sect, nor is it the kind of place where people are broad-minded enough to forgive and forget. Sometimes you�ll have to kill people for no reason. That�s the kind of place I lived in. So if you can�t understand me, you can go ahead and try to kill me.�
At Pyo-wol�s resolute words, Go Yeopjin gently closed his eyes.
Thousands of thoughts flooded in like a tidal wave in an instant.
Would it be better to stand down like this?
Would it be better to deal with Pyo-wol right now, no matter what sacrifices it takes?
Numerous other thoughts filled his head.
�Why did the heavens send such a person down here?�
He suddenly had a thought.�
Go Yeopjin looked at Pyo-wol with his eyes closed. He tried to see Pyo-wol with his heart, and not with his eyes. Then I felt something strong.
As hard as rock, as dark as pitch black, and as strong as a thunderbolt.
Three energies that did not seem to go together at all were combined to form a figure called Pyo-wol.
Go Yeopjin thought that what he was seeing was the essence of Pyo-wol.
No wickedness was seen anywhere in Pyo-wol�s nature.
He knew all too well that dark does not equate to evil, and that light is not always so righteous.
�Just as there is no useless thing, there must have been a place where he is needed, so the sky must have sent him. Okay. Let�s just stop here.�