It was almost impossible to see a woman with the same beauty as Yo Sulyeong in a slum. This is because some people do not even dare approach the slums at all.
If it had been somewhere other than the slums, the men would not have even been able to even approach Yo Sulyeong.�
But this was a slum.
Even if a woman goes missing, no one would know.
Although Yo Sulyeong�s arrogant attitude bothered them, the men who were already blinded by desire did not have time to think deeply about this or that.
They�re already at their lowest point of their life anyway, so there�s nothing for them to be afraid of.
�Pretty Miss. Please do us a favor.�
�You look very soft. If you swallow it in one go, it won�t smell fishy.�
The men approached Yo Sulyeong while talking dirty.�
Yo Sulyeong made a surprised expression. She really didn�t know that she would be treated like this in this distant location such as Sichuan.
Her face flushed red. Her appearance made men�s bodies even hotter.
�Heh heh! It�s already getting hot.�
�I�m already hard.�
�Let�s burn it up even more.�
The men�s words ignited.
�Let�s burn it up? Alright! I�ll burn everyone.�
A beam of light exploded from Yo Sulyeong�s eyes.
For a moment, the men flinched.
It was then that they realized that Yo Sulyeong was no ordinary person. There was no way that an ordinary woman would enter the slum alone without fear.�
But they realize it too late.
When Yo Sulyeong swung her hand, a red airsteam rose and attacked the men. The red airstream turned into flames when it touched the men�s bodies.
�Sa, save me!�
The men rolled around on the floor frantically trying to extinguish the fire. However, the fire on their bodies was not natural, but the fire of hell created by Yo Sulyeong.
Once attached to the body, it will never stop burning until everything is all burnt.
Without knowing this, the men rolled around to put out the fire. The nearby houses were also soon set on fire. The wooden house quickly burned, and the flames quickly spread throughout the slum.