�Thank you for listening to my rude request. After listening to Young Master Lim�s performance, I really wanted to extend friendship with you.�
�Oh, yes!�
Pyo-wol replied with an awkward expression.
He was now Lim Kwon-ok. If it was him, he had no reason to be embarrassed or to stutter. But Lim Kwon-ok was different.
He was a person who was more widely referred to as an outstanding merchant with his parents� fortunes. In the process of earning a fortune, he was cheated a lot and met countless people. Because of that, he had to be very wary of others whom he had met for the first time.
Lim Kwon-ok could not easily open his heart to strangers he had met for the first time in his life.
Pyo-wol was faithful to the character and setting of Lim Kwon-ok
With a large zither in his arms, he followed Jin Geum-woo with wary eyes. But his thoughts were different.
�Did he notice?�
He thought he had completely hidden himself, but it was clear that Jin Geum-woo had noticed something.
Pyo-wol thought that the world was very interesting.
Some people would try to hide, and some people would doubt and peek at a piece of the truth hidden beneath the external appearance.
Pyo-wol has always been in the position of observing and infiltrating other. But now, the situation has been reversed givenJin Geum-woo�s suspicions.
He had to completely hide himself.
Jin Geum-woo headed to the nearby tea house. The door hadn�t even been opened yet, but the strong smell of tea wafted in.
The three of them, including Won Ga-young, entered the tea house.
Jin Geum-woo said to the owner of the tea house.
�If you have dragon clove tea, give it to me.�
�Just in time, that tea came in a few days ago. How about the others?�
Pyo-wol and Won Ga-young also ordered a tea that suited their taste.
While waiting for their drink to be served, Jin Geum-woo opened his mouth.
�I really enjoyed Young Master Lim�s performance. Can you tell me about the song you played?�
�It�s a song called Heavenly Incense. It�s my favorite song.�
�A fragrance from heaven? I wonder. Is there really such a fragrance? But it was really nice to hear.�
�If that�s the case, then I�m glad. I�m not that good at it since I recently learned it.�