Jin Geum-woo�s party and the Qingcheng disciples first killed those whose minds were controlled by Heukam.
When those who instigated and commanded disappeared, the rest of the warriors surrendered themselves. They too had no choice but to follow orders, so they lost the will to fight when their central figure disappeared.
They all abandoned their weapons and waited for the decision of the Qingcheng sect.
Muhwajin�s eyes turned to the bodies of the Qingcheng disciples. The bodies of the Qingcheng disciples were horribly mutilated.
Heukam placed a particularly strong mental control on the Qingcheng disciples. Because of that, they rushed in without the fear of getting hurt. The scars left on their bodies were devastating.
�How could this possibly happen?�
Muhwajin couldn�t believe the terrible reality.
It was like having a nightmare.
When he closed his eyes and opened them, he thought that it would be nice if everything that had happened so far was just a dream. But no matter how much he closed and opened his eyes, the reality in front of him did not change.�
The gruesome scene unfolding before his eyes was not a dream but a clear reality.
�Senior brother, all the bodies have been sorted out. First aid for the wounded has alsobeen completed.�
A great disciple approached and reported.
Muhwajin nodded his head weakly.
�Yes. It must have been hard on you.�
Since the sect leader, Muryeongjin was seriously injured, Muhwajin had to lead the Qingcheng sect until he recovered. Muhwajin found it difficult to breathe under the formidable pressure.�
However, he didn�t show a sign of weakness.
All of the Qingcheng disciples were looking at him.
Muhwajinin got up from his seat and approached Jin Geum-woo and his party who was standing at one side.
�Thank you for helping us. The Qingcheng sect and I will never forget your kindness.�
�We are not expecting anything in return.�
At Jin Geum-woo�s calm answer, Muhwajin shook his head.
�How could that be? I will definitely repay this favor later.�
�More than that, do you know who manipulated their minds?�
�I have no idea. But is what you said true? Was it really cursed poison?�
�I confirmed it with my own eyes. In the blood shed by one of the disciples of Qingcheng sect, there was a worm so small that it was difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye. Their behavior can�t be explained other than because of cursed poison.�
Jin Geum-woo took Muhwajin to the body of another Qingcheng disciple. The chosen disciple was also suppressed by Heukam and attacked his colleagues. He also vomited blood and died, and likewise cursed poison was found.
Muhwajin confirmed the cursed poison by concentrating his inner qi on his eyes.
�Oh my god! It truly is a mind-controlling cursed poison!�
He mumbled in disbelief.
There were also different kinds of cursed poison. But he had never heard of cursed poison that had such a direct effect on the mind. JrNovels.com