The only reason he survived until now was because his internal energy was so deep. But if it had been anyone else, they would have frozen to death on the way.
Jin Geum-woo glanced at Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol�s appearance was intact. From his appearance alone, it was hard to believe that Pyo-wol had actually passed through the snow-covered alpine region.
�I didn�t know I would be so jealous because of a mere cloak.�
Jin Geum-woo looked at Pyo-wol�s cloak with envy. The cloak made from oiled livestock perfectly protected Pyo-wol from the freezing cold.
It allowed him to preserve his stamina and physical strength even when they were traveling. Thanks to this, Pyo-wol�s body was in the best condition despite the harsh journey.
Jin Geum-woo was exhausted from following such a pattern.�
Still, he never showed any signs of dislike.
It was because of Won Ga-young.
The sense of crisis that Heukam might do something untowards Won Ga-young if he was late made him unable to rest.
They passed through the Western Plateau and came down to the plains, but Pyo-wol continued the march without taking a proper rest.
They had to maintain their distance from Heukam. The further away Heukam goes, the harder it will be for them to track him, no matter how strong his tracks remain.�
This is because nature could erase the traces of Heukam.
A strong wind was constantly blowing on the plains. This made the grass on the plains only grow the height of a person�s ankle.
It was only a matter of time before the traces left on the ground were swept away by the wind. So before that happens, they had to catch up with Heukam as much as possible. They couldn�t afford to take the time to rest.
Pyo-wol persistently tracked down Heukam while Jin Geum-woo helped by taking note of even the smallest traces he could find.
Suddenly, Pyo-wol raised his head.
A particularly strong wind was blowing.
If they make a mistake, all the remaining traces of Heukam could be erased. If they lose Heukam here, it would become far more difficult to find the Xiaoleiyin Temple.
The location of the Xiaoleiyin Temple is highly confidential, making it almost impossible for an outsider to find it without a guide.�
Not to mention, Pyo-wol and Jin Geum-woo did not have a single information about the Xiaoleiyin Temple. Because of that, the two desperately followed the trail of Heukam.�
However, something happened that made the two stop their advance.�
A huge amount of dust was rising in the distance.
A group of people were riding horses.
Both Pyo-wol and Jin Geum-woo possessed excellent eyesight. There was still a great distance between the two of them and the other party, but they quickly recognized the number and characteristics of those who came running on horseback.
�About a hundred people in all. They are wearing a curved sword on their waist which the warriors of Xizang mainly use.�
Jin Geum-woo�s eyes were cold.
The warriors on horseback were running straight towards where they were.
This could only mean that they were their target.
�He has started moving. Since the entirety of Xizang is under the influence of the Xiaoleiyin Temple, moving a group of bandits must not be that difficult for him.�