�What kind of situation is this just because of a single assassin?�
Hyeolbul burst into rage.
�There is nothing to be afraid of. He is all alone anyway.�
�If we work together, he won�t be able to do anything to us.�
The Ten Monks also encouraged their disciples. But even with their encouragement, there were about a dozen or so disciples who lost their lives overnight.
The cause of death was the same.
The assassin was never in a hurry.
He didn�t even leave any traces.
He thoroughly sought the gaps of the Xiaoleiyin monks, and never failed. Because of that, as the days went by, the fear of the monks grew like a snowball.
�He�s like Asura. The main base is being swayed by just one assassin.�
Myeongak, a member of Hyeolbul�s Ten Monks, muttered, wiping the sweat from his forehead. His eyes were red and bloodshot because he hadn�t slept well for the past few days.
The pressure on his body was not a joke as he was always in high alert not knowing when the assassin might attack. The back of his neck was hard like a stone, and no matter how much he tried, his fatigue could not be relieved.
�If you catch the� bastard, I�ll surely tear it into a thousand pieces.�
Myeongak radiated his qi and moved forward.
All the monks of the Xiaoleiyin Temple were in a state similar to Myeongak.
Their nerves were very sharp. They were filled with anger and it felt like they were about to explode even with a slight shock.
The place Myeongak was headed to was the dwelling place of Heukam.
After returning from Chengdu, Heukam only stayed in his dwelling place. The entire Xiaoleiyin� Temple was turned upside down by one assassin, but he did not show his face even once.
Heukam caused this situation, so he had to solve it.
Some of the disciples who saw him hastily bowed their heads to greet him. But they didn�t come close.
After the assassin killed the monks, the monks were wary of getting close to each other. This is because the assassin might turn into an ally and approach him.
Same was true for Myeongak.�
He only nodded his head to receive the monks� greetings, but he did not come close or even say a warm word to them.
That was then.
The soles of his feet suddenly tingled.
When he looked at the soles of his feet, he saw fine silver needles stuck upside down. From the area where the silver needle pierced him, he felt his body slowly becoming paralyzed.
Myeongak hurriedly tried to drive out the poison.
But before he could even move with his qi, his upper body was already paralyzed. JrNovels.com