Guian looked at each of the Ten Monks, followed by Eunyo and Soma.
Suddenly, Guian stopped in front of someone.
It was Myeongak.
Myeongak was recognized by his disciples as a tyrant because he was one of the Ten Monks of Hyeolbul, and he had an impatient personality and strong martial arts.�
Guian titled his head continuously as he looked at Myeongak, as if he found something strange. At the same time, Eunyo frowned deeply.
At that time, Soma, who had been quietly following the back of the two children, came forward.
Soma looked at Myeongak with his characteristic smile.
�It�s him, right?�
�That�s right!�
�What�s your name?�
At that moment, Myeongak opened his mouth.
It was a calm voice, not the hoarse voice typical of an old man.
The Ten Monks of Hyeolbul that were around Myeongak hurriedly retreated back.
�It�s him!�
�So he really did disguise himself as one of us?!�
The Ten Monks were startled. They raised their power.
Not only them, but everyone at the Xiaoleiyin Temple, looked at Myeongak, or specifically Pyo-wol with murderous gazes.
Although everyone�s gazes were focused on him, Pyo-wol looked at Soma without moving from his spot.
�You�re Ah-myung�s younger brother.�
�Did you� meet my brother?�
�With your father.�
�How� are they?�
�They�re okay so far.�
At Pyo-wol�s answer, Soma�s eyes shook.
Soma was the real birth brother of Ah-myung whom Pyo-wol met in the village he had visited before infiltrating the Xiaoleiyin Temple.
Soma was the child who was kidnapped and turned into a monster while Ah-myung was out.