He was in an underground room closed on all sides.
There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Still, Pyo-wol was not found anywhere.
As if he just disappeared.
Lee Min opened her mouth carefully.
�Maybe he went outside?�
�No, he�s definitely still inside. We just haven�t found him.�
So Yeowol shook her head.
At her assertion, Lee Min�s eyes fluttered slightly. Then her explosive beauty flowed out.
One of the children who made the most dramatic change was Lee Min. In the dark she became whiter and more prudent.
Her beauty, which coexists with ignorance and glamor, was enough to take away the soul of the beholder. Because of that, many of the surviving children were captivated by her beauty to the point of offering supplies.
However, Lee Min was not well aware of her changes.
She always worked with So Yeowol.
If it was So Yeowol�s command, she was loyal enough to the point of pretending to die.
Song Cheonwoo said in a cold voice.
�He�s a human too. As long as he�s a human, he can�t get out of our hands.�
�But it�s Pyo-Wol.��
Lee Min murmured like a child. But everyone in this room knew what Lee Min was trying to say. Pyo-wol was an incomprehensible person in many ways. They were locked up here together for six years, but no one knew the potential of Pyo-wol.
He adapted perfectly, as if he was born here.
None of the children had shown the ability that is on par with Pyo-Wol. Even for those with outstanding abilities like So Yeowol and Song Cheonwoo.
�Did I give him needless advice?�
So Yeowol thought that it might be because of what she said that Pyo-wol hasn�t appeared for this long.�
She didn�t know how much she regretted it after she told him how she felt because of a momentary impulse. It was because she remembered too late that the advice she gave might inadvertently make Pyo-wol even stronger.
Pyo-wol has always been like that.
He would take the small part that could be overlooked as a cornerstone of development by persistently biting and sagging. When the other children took one step, he seemed to take two or three more steps.
Although he thoroughly hid his achievements from the instructors, So Yeowol and the children knew he was hiding his own power.
His strength can only be felt by those who have faced him in person.
However, So Yeowol couldn�t easily guess what exactly his level was.
So Gyeoksan said it as a joke.
�Why don�t we just kill the instructors? It�s probably easier than killing Pyo-wol.�