A man with whiter skin and a beautiful appearance than a woman.�
The moment he saw him, Mundu felt an unknown chill. So he continued to hide his identity even more.
It was a cowardly act, but he had no qualms about it because no one knew his true identity.
Without hesitation, he entered Namling Forest where the Xiaoleiyin Temple is located.�
And ten days have passed.
Mundu thought that the man must have died from the hands of the Xiaoleiyin Temple warriors. But suddenly, a fire erupted in the middle of Namling Forest.
Mundu quickly ran into Namling Forest.�
The array, which had previously hindered the entry and exit of outsiders, had been lifted.
As he got closer to the Xiaoleiyin Temple, he felt an intense heat.
The burning temple of the Xiaoleiyin soon appeared in front of Mundu.
A temple with hundreds of years of history was engulfed in flames and screaming.
Mundu unwittingly covered his mouth with his hand.
Because it was a sight he had never imagined.
He believed that the Xiaoleiyin Temple would survive forever. No matter how much he tried to imagine the Xiaoleiyin Temple collapsing, he could not do it.
Even if the entire Potala Palace attacked, it would not be possible for them to destroy the Xiaoleiyin Temple.
At best, the two it was all I could do.
As such, there was a strong perception in his head that the Xiaoleiyin Temple is resilient in nature.
The Xiaoleiyin Temple, which seemed unlikely to collapse, was now burning.
Not a single survivor was seen.
It was a perfect annihilation.�
Mundu trembled in fear.
A single man has done what the entire Potala Palace could not have done.
A man whose identity and name remained unknown.
�Oh my god! A reaper has come to Jianghu.�
SoundlessWind21�s Notes
Pyo-wol silently looked at the burning bonfire.
The plain during the night was very cold, unlike during the day where it was hot. When the sun goes down, the temperature rapidly drops, causing one�s breath to become visible naturally. JrNovels.com