Whether or not she knew that fact, the girl continued to walk.
After following the girl for a long time, Sagong Yun suddenly felt a strong sense of discomfort.�
�That bitch, she�s blind.�
On her way here, the girl never looked around her surroundings.
When she was standing at a crossroad, she would prick her ears and fumble along the wall with her hand to determine the direction.
A person with normal eyes wouldn�t act in such a cumbersome way.
A small smile appeared on the corner of Sagong Yun�s lips.
�It�s even better now that I know she is blind.�
His whole body suddenly heated up, and he felt his nether region tensed up.
He followed the girl more carefully.
However, the direction the girl was going was strange.
�That�s the street where the Snow Cloud Villa was.�
From what he heard, only prominent people with power in Chengdu were able to settle down here.
�I�ll be in trouble if I mess with the wrong person, won�t I?�
But he soon shook his head.
His target was a blind girl anyway.
Even if he commits a sin to his heart�s content, she won�t be able to recognize his face anyway. When he thought that he could commit the perfect crime, his remaining caution disappeared.
Sagong Yun boldly followed the girl.
The girl stood in front of a mansion with an impressive red pine tree.�
She must have arrived at her home.
The girl knocked on the door and a servant came out to greet her.
The door closed and the girl disappeared into the mansion.
He couldn�t stand it any longer.
Sagong Yun flew over the mansion wall. The fence was quite high, but that didn�t stop him since he had learned some martial arts. He climbed on the wall lightly like a stray cat.
It was quiet inside the mansion.
If he hadn�t seen the girl entering, he would have mistaken it for an uninhabited place.
A lamp was lit in one of the rooms.
It was clear that the girl who had just entered had turned on the light. JrNovels.com