Their martial skills were far superior to those of the instructors making them the object of fear to children. Even the children who looked down on the instructors could not hide their tension when standing in front of the three swords.
After spending six years together, they became psychologically dependent.
No matter how large and ferocious an animal may be, it is the same principle as if it were raised from a young age, it would not be able to harm its owner.
Pyo-wol called it a psychological taboo.
The biggest ban imposed on children was psychological subordination. So they don�t dare consider disobeying them.
There was a little bit of tension on Pyo-wol�s face for a moment.
Although he thought and moved independently, he was also psychologically subordinated to some extent after living in the same space for six years.
But he couldn�t stay like this forever.
Pyo-wol shook his head slightly to shake off his anxious mind, and then moved on.
His goal was to be the residence of one sword, Lim Sayeol.
The dwelling place of Lim Sayeol and the instructors was made by remodeling a naturally formed cave. It was located on the opposite side of the area where Pyo-wol stayed, and it boasted an iron-clad border from the entrance.
The instructors who had been dispatched to this place took turns and stood guard directly. Because of that, no one dared to infiltrate this place.
It was the instructors who taught the children stealth and infiltration.�
The countermeasures against it were also best known by the instructors.�
The instructors looked around with sharp eyes.
As the children�s skills improved, the instructors in particular strengthened their vigilance.
They believed that no one would have the courage to sneak in here, but since anything can happen, they could never relax.
Little do they know that there would actually be a human being who would be moving cleverly out of their cognitive domain boundaries.
It was Pyo-wol who sneaked in without a sound or gesture.
Pyo-wol was performing both stealth and Turtle Breathing Technique at the same time.
In order to perform the original Turtle Breathing Technique, the biological activities of the body had to be almost stopped like a corpse. He literally has to keep the minimum amount of breathing to maintain his life.
Moving was, of course, unimaginable.
Of course, the instructors who taught them the Turtle Breathing Technique knew that, and the children who learned the technique used it as it was taught to them. But Pyo-wol was different.
Pyo-wol had his doubts after learning how to execute the Turtle Breathing Technique.�
Why would the Turtle Breathing Technique be undone if he moves?�
He wondered how he could move while simultaneously using the Turtle Breathing technique.�
The body had to breathe in order to move.
No matter how skilled he was, he could not live without breathing.
The greater the movement, the more breathing was required.
Turtle Breathing Technique is a method of hiding the presence by inhaling one�s breath for as long and thin as possible to lower the vital signs of the body.�