Soma was envious of Guian and Eunyo. The two of them had already found a job they liked.
He hasn�t found anything yet.
Something he would like to do.
And the direction he wanted to go.
Although he escaped from the Xiaoleiyin Temple, he was still wandering around, searching.
Soma laughed.
It was an innocent smile that he rarely showed to others. His laughter this time comes from the heart, unlike what he usually shows in front of others.
Pyo-wol treated Soma and the others well.
After coming to Chengdu together, Pyo-wol did not force Soma and the children in any way. He didn�t tell them what to do, and left everything to the children�s judgment.
It was Guian�s own will to build his own information network in Chengdu, and it was Eunyo�s decision to run a brothel.
Pyo-wol had no influence on the children�s choices. Soma was well aware of how difficult it was, so he was even more grateful to Pyo-wol.
Pyo-wol asked Soma,
�No. Just a glass of water.�
Pyo-wol poured water into a glass and placed it on the table.
Soma�s eyes glinted.
Because he saw the letter lying next to the glass of water.
�Who is it from? Is it from the steel-tower brother?�
Pyo-wol nodded his head silently, while Soma wrinkled the tip of his nose.
�That brother is a bit too much. Why does he send letters like this so often?�
In the past few months, Jin Geum-woo has sent a total of three letters to Pyo-wol.
The letters all began with the same phrase,
[To my dear friend�]
Pyo-wol had never read the letter Jin Geum-woo sent to the end. He would always lose his motivation to do so just by the first phrase.
Pyo-wol didn�t know why Jin Geum-woo liked him so much to the point of calling him a friend and acting so affectionate.
Even after leaving Chengdu, he would send a letter to Pyo-wol, informing him of his current situation.
�Isn�t that older brother�s unrequited love a bit too much?�
Soma smirked.�
Pyo-wol did not even read the letter from Jin Geum-woo to the end nor did he reply. Even so, Jin Geum-woo did not get tired and continued to send letters.
Soma did not understand why Jin Geum-woo was being such a true friend.