Soma closed his eyes and enjoyed a rough hand. Tang Sochu thought Soma was like a puppy. Of course, he was too ferocious and sharp for a normal puppy.
Pyo-wol came out after talking for a long time with Tang Sochu.
He thought about going back to the underground waterway, but he just chose to come out.
Pyo-wol walked down the street with a scarf covering his face. Next to him was Soma walking with a bright smile.
It was Chengdu that experienced bloodshed several times over the course of a year. However, there were no traces of bloodshed anywhere in the city.
People had already forgotten about the past and were immersed in their daily lives.�
Merchants tried to sell even one more thing by soliciting customers, and those who traveled to and from the street were unwittingly eager to sell their pockets.
Pyo-wol stopped walking and watched the scene for a long time.
After a long time passed, Pyo-wol did not move, so Soma looked at him with a puzzled expression.
�Should we go?�
�Let�s go!�
�I�m hungry.�
�Then let�s eat and go.�
�Let�s go to the Seongyeonru.�
�Why there?�
�The fruits there are delicious.�
Soma answered without hesitation.
Pyo-wol nodded and followed Soma.
While Pyo-wol was stuck in his residence, Soma was exploring non-stop all over Chengdu. Because of that, he prided himself on knowing more about the streets of Chengdu than Pyo-wol.
The place Soma particularly liked was the said restaurant.
Perhaps it was because he was locked up in the Xiaoleiyin Temple and not treated as a human being for a long time, Soma coveted particularly delicious food. So, he spent all of his time eating.
�Soma�s here.�
The owner of Seongyeonru looked at Soma.
There weren�t many people who disliked a cute boy who was only six or seven years old. Even more so if the boy is a regular customer.