Chapter: 822
At last, they had gathered enough tea to fill all the wagons they had pulled.

After meeting his goal, Zhao Musheng decided to return to Chengdu. Once they are prepared in Chengdu, they plan to return to Yunnan.

Lee Changdu complained and shouted at a young man loading the luggage,

�Hey, youngest! What have you been doing all night that you can�t use your strength? Can�t you stay tighter in the line? If you lose your luggage, you won�t be able to pay for it! Tie it tighter. So it�ll never come loose. Do you understand?!�

�Yes, I understand.�

The said young man answered with a crawling voice.

Lee Changdu looked at such a young man with a displeased expression. The young man seemed to have sensed Lee Changdu�s gaze, so he shook his head and concentrated on loading the luggage.

The young man�s name is Tae Yongha.

He was a newly hired worker. Lee Changdu hired him because he had a big physique and strength, but he was not very good at work, so he made a lot of mistakes.

Because of this, Lee Changdu was thinking that he should cut off Tae Yongha as soon as he returned to Yunnan.

�There are workers all over the world, so it�s a waste to keep hiring useless guys like that.

Lee Changdu looked at Tae Yongha with dissatisfied eyes, and then went to the carriage at the front.

When Lee Changdu disappeared, Tae Yongha gently lifted his head.

It was an ordinary face.

The face was slightly flat, and the eyes, nose and mouth were all flat, so there was no prominent spot. It was an ambiguous face that was difficult to say whether he was handsome or ugly.

Tae Yongha started to focus on work again.

He pulled the string as hard as he could to secure the object, and shook it a couple of times to make sure it was firmly fixed.

�It�s okay.�

Although Lee Changdu criticized him for not being able to work properly, Tae Yongha was actually pretty good. It was just that Lee Changdu didn�t like him.

The reason was that he left the dorm without permission a couple of times.

�Well, it doesn�t matter. I don�t plan on staying here too long.�

Tae Yongha mumbled softly and sat down in the empty space behind the cart.

Although the Xuanwu Merchant Group is said to be quite a large company, it does not take care of workers like him.

A worker like Tae Yongha had to walk all the way up, or get stuck in a corner like this on his own.

He was lucky enough to ride a wagon.

A lot of the workers trudged next to the wagon.

�Everyone, let�s depart!�

Finally, when all the luggage was loaded, the Xuanwu Merchant Group started to move.

The warriors escorting the merchant company took the lead, followed by merchants and wagons.

Tae Yongha sat at the back of the last wagon and looked up at the sky.�