The problem is that he doesn�t know who is greedy for Tang�s vision.
The vision of the Tang Family is to not pass a secret skill on to a person who has personality problems,2 so he could not pass it on to him.
Tang Sochu asked,
�Who is your client?�
�Questions are not allowed.�
Baekrok inserted qi to his rapier. Then, a sharp sword energy pierced the head of Tang Sochu. Even though his blood was flowing, Tang Sochu did not panic and looked at Baekrok.
Baekrok felt something strange at the attitude of Tang Sochu.
Tang Sochu was too calm. His attitude didn�t fit someone who encounters an assassin. At least among his victims so far, none of them had shown such an attitude.
An ominous foreboding came over him.
This kind of foreboding has never been wrong.
Baekrok swung the rapier with all his might.�
Obtaining the Tang Family�s vision was secondary anyway. It would be nice if he could get it, but it�s still alright if he didn�t get it.
The important thing was to take the life of Tang Sochu.
At that moment, Baekrok�s body was suddenly pulled up to the ceiling.�
The rapier lost its trajectory and missed Tang Sochu�s neck.
Baekrok hung upside down. He looked at his feet. Around his ankles was a thread so thin that it was difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye.
Baekrok�s eyes widened.
With his ears hanging upside down, he could hear the murmuring voice of Tang Sochu.
�Move faster next time. I really thought I was going to die.�
At that moment, someone appeared from the darkness.
Even in a dark workshop, he was a man with bright white skin and a more beautiful appearance than a woman.
As soon as he looked at his face, Baekrok felt goosebumps all over his body.
�My kind.�
Baekrok knew at a glance that the man was the same kind as him. And he had a gut feeling that he was in charge of all this.
�If he is, then the information about him is true.�