Chapter: 849

It was Pyo-wol who approached him.

A small child was with Pyo-wol.

�Young brother!�


�I caught the guy who attacked young brother.�


�It�s a pity I couldn�t kill him myself with my own hands. But I still did a good job right?�

�Yes, well done.�

Tang Sochu smiled and stroked Soma�s head.


Soma smiled pleasantly.

Tang Sochu asked Pyo-wol,

�So, did you find out who commissioned the assassination?�

There was a hint of anger in his voice.

Pyo-wol nodded his head without saying a word.

If you place a frog in a pot of cold water, and gradually raise the water�s temperature, the frog will not jump out. It will just remain inside the pot, and die.

That�s exactly how the Tang family collapsed.

The Tang family, Qingcheng sect and Emei sect, who chose to close their gates through a wrong momentary choice, gradually pressed and tightened the Tang family. Their work to dismantle the Tang family was very meticulous and took place over a long period of time.

By the time the Tang family realized that fact, it was already after the windfall.

The visions of poisoning and yakjangsul, which were the foundations of the Tang family, were lost, and many of their craftsmen died.

The hidden weapons of the Tang family were fatal.

The hidden weapons, which were fired with a principle that ordinary people could not even imagine, was a target of caution for martial artists.

Even in the Tang family, craftsmen who made hidden weapons were specially managed. They were so important that information about them was thoroughly blocked and protected.

But one day, a major incident occurred where the said craftsmen were slaughtered.

While a blast furnace for molten iron was being installed, an unknown explosion suddenly occurred. The craftsmen present at the site were then all dried up.

It was later revealed that the incident was a work done by the Emei sect to prevent the installation of a new blast furnace.�

They thought that the addition of the furnace would increase the Tang family�s productivity, but the result was fatal enough to shake the foundation of the Tang family.�

This incident accelerated the downfall of the Tang family.

As they lost their vision and human assets that had been handed down for hundreds of years, the Tang family members lost their strength, and Qingcheng sect and Emei sect did not leave the Tang family alone.