The waiter, who looked three or four years older than Soma, had a tired look on his face. He was probably exhausted from serving the guests coming in since morning.
The amount of money they earned from the job was just small, but the amount of work they had to do was a lot that they couldn�t help but run out of exhaustion even if it was just early in the evening.
Pyo-wol tossed a coin to the waiter and said,
�Bring me the most delicious food in this house.�
�Okay, got it!�
The waiter looked at the coin in his hand and smiled broadly. The cold feeling of the metal in his hands made him forget about his fatigue.
�Brother! I want dumplings!�
Soma raised his hand and said.
�Yes! Our guest house�s dumplings are also excellent. You won�t be disappointed.�
�Hehehe! I�m sure it�s going to be delicious.�
�Wait a minute. I�ll bring it to you soon.�
Soma nodded his head vigorously.
The waiter ran to the kitchen.
Soma looked at the back of the waiter and muttered,�
�It must be hard for him to work like that every day.�
Before being taken by the Xiaoleiyin Temple, Soma also helped with housework. Although the work was hard, the memories of that time still remain as good memories.
Later on, they heard indecent talks from the table right next to them.
�So I took off a girl�s skirt and she was like, �Oh, no! Don�t do this!��
�So what did you do?�
�What does she mean by, �don�t do this?� Of course, I just forced myself on her. I held her because I liked her.�
The one who spoke was a man who appeared to be in his mid to late forties. He was a large man and he gave off a rough impression. It was as if he had mastered the external technique properly as the sun�s blood suddenly came out.
They did not care about the gaze of the people around them, and continued with their indecent talk.�
They worked in a mercenary guild as a Dazhou native..
There were several places where there is a mercenary guild in Jianghu. However, not all guilds are well maintained like in Dazhou.
What makes the mercenary guild in Dazhou special is that it is managed by the Wind and Thunder Clan.1
Mercenary guilds are naturally generated by demand. But the mercenary guilds in Dazhou were created artificially by the Wind and Thunder Clan predicting the market.
The Wind and Thunder Clan strictly managed the mercenaries in the mercenary guild and supplied them to the places where they were needed, such as at merchant or escort companies.� Furthermore, they guarantee the identities of the hired mercenaries and severely punish them if ever they cause trouble.
Due to the strict management of the Wind and Thunder Clan, the mercenaries in Dazhou managed to earn more trust than the other mercenaries in other areas.