It was very easy to put poisonous bugs into the children�s bodies.
This is because it can be mixed with water or food supplied from outside.
�It must be a kind of cursed poison (?? gu poison).
If you put hundreds of poisonous species in one jar, they will eat each other and only the strongest will survive.
These surviving insects have a number of bizarre properties. Some of them may have the property of being particularly sensitive to sound. And it was clear that the cursed poison stimulated by the sound emitted poison and consequently poisoned them.
As his heart began to harden, Pyo-wol�s head turned more complicated.
�Why did they have to trigger the cursed poison at this moment?�
Anyway, there was only one reason.
It was because of him.�
It was clear that they were convinced that he had invaded the cave which was why they activated the restriction.�
Then the voices of the instructors were heard in the distance.
�Over there!�
�They�re all collapsed there!�
The instructors found the children who had fallen and run towards them.�
Pyo-wol was a little conflicted.
He could avoid this place if he wanted to. But it was clear that they would discover that he was poison-resistant.
It was not yet the time to reveal that he was different from the other children. Pyo-wol, who had quickly gathered his thoughts, fell to the floor and pretended to be poisoned.
He used his inner strength to make his complexion pale on purpose, and trembled while grabbing his chest.
Shortly thereafter, Lim Sayeol and the instructors appeared.
�You were here.�
Lim Sayeol found the collapsed Pyo-wol and approached him.
His eyes were full of vigor.�
�Isn�t it better to kill him now?�
Lim Sayeol was conflicted.
In light of the various circumstances, it was not easy to completely control Pyo-wol.�
The inability to get along with other children and the tendency to move alone was also a problem, but above all, it struck him that Pyo-wol�s mind was so deep that he couldn�t understand what he was thinking.�
Although they had been in the same space for six years, Pyo-wol never revealed his true feelings to others.
It wasn�t something that could be explained simply by expressing that he had a lot of patience or he didn�t talk much. So Lim Sayeol thought Pyo-wol was very dangerous.
Lim Sayeol drew his sword from its scabbard.