Chapter: 886
Most of them were already accustomed to filling their hunger with hardened rice cakes or dried food, which were prepared in advance. So being able to eat proper food while they were camping outside like this was unbelievable.�

�We�re doing great this time.�

Ko Il-pae muttered while eating porridge.

He doesn�t know what it is, but he saw quite a few ingredients. He assumed the cook wouldn�t have added anything that couldn�t be eaten, so he thought he could eat the porridge with confidence.

Pyo-wol also took a bowl of porridge and sat down on a nearby rock. To eat the porridge, he pulled down the scarf that was covering his face.

When his face was revealed, a riot broke out among the mercenaries.


�Oh my! I can�t believe he had a face like that.�

�Is that really a man�s face?�

They forgot about Lee Yulsan�s advice and openly stared at Pyo-wol�s face.

At that time, Ko Il-pae�s cold voice snapped their attention back.

�Be careful, everyone. All the people who were mesmerized by his face have already gone to hell. That gorgeous shell is just a camouflage that blurs people�s eyes. There�s a monster lurking inside of him that you can�t even imagine. If we do something wrong, we will all be eaten. The reason why the sect leader of the Wind and Thunder Clan warned us is not because he is a coward. That�s just how scary that man is�� so undless wind 21


In an instant, a terrible silence fell among them.

�Everyone, be careful. It�s better for us to not get entangled in his affairs.�

�It�s been a long time since I�ve seen Heaven�s Majestic Wind1 so nervous.�

The one who opened her mouth was exceptionally kind.

Although she had a lot of ashes on her face on purpose, anyone with a good eye would know right away that she was a woman dressed as a man.

Ko Il-pae�s gaze turned to her.


�Is he really that dangerous? Enough to make Heaven�s Majestic Wind tuck his tail like a dog?�

�My explanation is actually still lacking.�

�So he�s a big man then.�

The gaze of the woman dressed as a man turned to Pyo-wol.

Her name was Seol Hajin.

She is as famous as Ko Il-pae in the mercenary guild.

When she first appeared at the mercenary guild, she worked with her original appearance. But when men who were fascinated by her beauty approached her nonstop, she later decided to dress as a man.

Of course, all the men who harassed her ended up retiring early. They were either stabbed to death or seriously injured. soundlesswind21

That�s how strong her martial arts were.

Her face is beautiful, but her hands are cruel. So the mercenaries who knew of her true self knows better than flirting with her.