�There�s a camp where we can sleep in front, so why don�t we rest there today?�
�Okay, let�s go.�
Wu Jang-rak answered happily.
He deeply trusted Ko Il-pae. It was because Ko Il-pae managed to demonstrate his abilities on their way here.�
Ko Il-pae was an excellent guide. He managed to gain Wu Jang-rak�s trust because his choices have never been wrong.
Just as Ko Il-pae said, a suitable terrain for camping appeared after a while.
Wu Jang-rak exclaimed,
�We will be staying here today, so everyone, get ready to camp.�
Wu Jang-rak�s men and mercenaries answered and moved in a hurry.
The two groups had already worked together the day before, so their teamwork was perfect.
In an instant, preparations for camp were over, and the party were soon eating the same porridge they ate the previous day.
They were all spread out, while holding a bowl of porridge.
�I see a light over there.�
�It looks like there�s people over there.�
People�s voices were heard from afar.
Those who were eating put down their bowls and grabbed their weapons. They had a wary expression on their faces.�
They already treated the people they were about to meet in such a deserted place as enemies.�
They glared at those who appeared through the darkness, ready to swing their weapons.
There were about twenty people, all on horseback.
The faces of Wu Jang-rak and Ko Il-pae became even more vigilant.
Horses were expensive. Not only because of its price, but also the cost it takes to maintain. Because of that, there were only a few people on horseback in Wu Jang-rak�s party.�
However, the people who appeared through the darkness were all riding horses. There was little chance that these people who were riding horses at night were ordinary people.
It was by no means pleasant to meet other warriors in their camping area.
It�s possible that the two groups just happened to have overlapped paths, but it�s also possible for the other party to approach them with bad intentions.
One of the riders spoke in a loud voice,
�Hey, is he not the Majestic Wind of the mercenary guild?�
Ko Il-pae�s eyebrows twitched.
This was because his nickname, Majestic Wind, is only used among the mercenaries. The general public and other powerful warriors hardly knew his nickname. JrNovels.com