�Does the sect leader of the Rain Mountain Manor have a hobby of collecting swords?�
�How did you know?�
�I knew it.�
At the startled reaction of Shin Mugum, Pyo-wol was convinced that his guess was correct�
�If the sect leader of the Rain Mountain Manor wants to build his prestige by becoming the master of an ancient sword, then for Hwa Yu-cheon to get in his good graces, he must have been searching for the owner of the sword.�
Then why he looked for the Mok family.�
A family who possessed a great treasure, but did not know its true value.
In Hwa Yucheon�s eyes, the Mok Family must have looked like a delicious and easy prey.�
Making the family collapse was as easy as flipping the palm of his hand. So as the Mok family despaired when they fell into ruin, Hwa Yu-cheon approached them.
The whole thing was a scheme just to get the sword, Gongbu.�
And as a bonus, he could also take Mok Gahye as his concubine. A young and pretty girl was more than enough to satisfy the lust of an old man.
With his plan, he can dedicate Gongbu to the sect leader of the Rain Mountain Manor, while embracing a pretty girl in his arms.
It was truly killing two birds with one stone. He can gain many benefits by just offering Gongbu.
On the other hand, the Bamboo Sea CLan would not have wanted the Heavenly Silver Marketplace to be bigger than this.
It was clear that Rain Mountain Manor would openly support the Heavenly Silver Marketplace if they received Gongbu from them.�
They would have to support them on a level that cannot be compared to what it has been before.�
So the Bamboo Sea Clan tried to ruin Hwa Yucheon�s scheme by stealing Gongbu.
But the Bamboo Sea Clan�s plans failed.
It was still only a suspicion, but Pyo-wol was convinced that his guess was correct.
There was only one reason they failed.
They did not expect Pyo-wol to intervene.
Pyo-wol thought that the world was very strange.
If Mok Gahye�s life had not been threatened, it would have been better for her to lose Gongbu. If so, her reason for joining Hwa Yucheon�s concubine would disappear, and the Bamboo Sea Clan could also balance power with the Heavenly Silver Marketplace in Enshi.�
Of course, her family situation would remain difficult, but it was inevitable.
But now that Pyo-wol saved Mok Gahye�s life, she had no choice but to become Hwa Yu-cheon�s concubine.
It was a future that would not happen if Baek Jin-gung and the Demon Chasing Team simply took away Gongbu and retreated.
But it was now too late to turn back. And Pyo-wol had no intention of intervening any further. He only intervened in this matter because of Soma.�
�Thank you, brother!�
Soma looked up at Pyo-wol with a relieved expression.